Why Backpacking?

Here at Milestone, getting outside is a big deal.

As we kick off this blog (and business), we wanted to share some of our favorite tidbits about one of our favorite ways to get outside.


Backpacking is a popular activity that involves carrying everything you need on your back and traveling through natural environments. It's a great way to explore new places, challenge yourself physically and mentally, and connect with nature. 

So, what is backpacking?

Backpacking is a type of outdoor activity that involves traveling through natural environments, typically on foot, while carrying everything you need on your back. This can include camping gear, food, water, and clothing. Backpacking can be done on a variety of terrains, including mountains, forests, and deserts.

Backpacking is different from traditional camping in that it involves carrying all of your gear with you, rather than driving to a campsite and setting up a base camp. This allows backpackers to explore more remote areas and experience a greater sense of self-sufficiency.

Backpacking is also different from hiking in that it typically involves multi-day trips, as opposed to day trips. Backpackers often travel from one campsite to another over the course of several days or weeks.

Why Go Backpacking?

There are many reasons why people choose to go backpacking. For some, it's a way to challenge themselves physically and mentally. Backpacking requires a lot of endurance and self-discipline, as well as the ability to adapt to changing conditions.

For others, backpacking is a way to connect with nature and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Many backpackers find that spending time in natural environments helps them to clear their minds, reduce stress, and gain a greater appreciation for the world around them.

Backpacking is also a great way to explore new places and experience different cultures. Backpackers often travel to remote areas that are off the beaten path, allowing them to discover hidden gems that they wouldn't have found otherwise.

Preparing for a Backpacking Trip

Before embarking on a backpacking trip, it's important to do some preparation to ensure that you are ready for the challenges ahead. Here are some things to consider when preparing for a backpacking trip:

1. Choose your destination: The first step in preparing for a backpacking trip is to choose your destination. Consider the terrain, climate, and distance of the trip, as well as any permits or regulations that may be required.

2. Plan your route: Once you've chosen your destination, it's important to plan your route. This includes deciding on your starting point, the campsites you will stay at, and the distance you will cover each day.

3. Gather your gear: Backpacking requires specific gear, including a backpack, tent, sleeping bag, and cooking equipment. Make a list of the gear you need and ensure that you have everything before you leave.

4. Train for the trip: Backpacking requires a lot of physical endurance, so it's important to train before the trip. This can include hiking, running, and strength training to build your stamina and endurance.

5. Learn basic survival skills: Backpacking can be unpredictable, so it's important to learn basic survival skills, such as how to start a fire, purify water, and navigate with a map and compass.

Tips for a Successful Backpacking Trip

1. Start slow: If you're new to backpacking, it's important to start slow and gradually build up your endurance. Choose a shorter trip to begin with and gradually increase the distance and difficulty as you become more comfortable.

2. Pack light: Backpacking requires carrying everything you need on your back, so it's important to pack light. Only bring the essentials and leave any unnecessary items at home.

3. Stay hydrated: Staying hydrated is essential when backpacking, especially in hot or dry climates. Make sure to bring enough water and a water filtration system to purify water from natural sources.

4. Leave no trace: It's important to leave the environment the way you found it. Pack out all of your trash and avoid damaging any plants or wildlife.

5. Be flexible: Backpacking can be unpredictable, so it's important to be flexible and adapt to changing conditions. This can include adjusting your route or campsites based on weather or other factors.


Backpacking is a great way to explore new places, challenge yourself physically and mentally, and connect with nature. By preparing properly and following these tips, you can have a successful and enjoyable backpacking trip. So grab your backpack, hit the trail, and experience the beauty and adventure of the great outdoors!

Above all, don't forget to tell us about your travels! Tag us in your social media posts using the hashtag #milestoneoutdoors for a chance for your story to be featured on our page!

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